Page name: It's Angel!!! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2015-10-09 15:31:54
Last author: The Hidden Flame
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[IT'S ANGEL!!!] :)

This is the base for the peoples who LOVE Angel / [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]!!!
Wiki page created by [Vaughne]
This page can be freely edited!

see in this pic you can see how big my nose really is >_< *pukes*
(By.[The Incredible Bulk]

Wanna know what Angel's wings look like? Sorta like this::

[Hello people, Angel talking. Feels GOOD to be loved! Haha... erm... yeah... heh.... OVER AND OUT!]

.......TO FIND A SPECIAL PERSON, .......
.........A DAY TO LOVE THEM, ........
..........AN ENTIRE LIFE TIME.........
..............TO 4GET THEM.............
.............U'LL NEVER 4GET..............
.........ITS A SHORT COMMENT..........
...........TO LET THEM KNOW.............
.......IT MEAN UR'RE IN A HURRY.......
..........AND THAT U 4GOTTEN.........
...............UR FRIENDZ

[emzy]-ur my cuz!- duh!!!
[;;Melodrama Junkie] Jump the list? I WOULD NEVER! Aw love ^^ You need like 500million wiki pages xD
[phoenixborn]. Angel I loves you! You rocks my non-existent toe-socks! And if I were even remotely gay I would marry you in a second. Or at least settle for casual sex. And yes, I did jump to the top of the list. What's your point? :P
[Vaughne] Angel you are my best buddy and I love you forever!!!!!!! thanks for just being there and for being the coolest, nicest guy ever! you know im always here for you <3
[Empty~Soul] yay!!
[madness] yay! i didnt know this page existed! angel protected me!!! yay!
[Glover.] your hair sucks worse than mine and thats saying something...
[nevan] :D You Rock!
[Necrobioticrash] SHITCUNT... Yeah thats right.
[no name ear] because you are one of my only friends on here haha... and i guess we are related 0_o
[(*|_Buster_|*)] He's a rapist. I saw 'im!
[Spoonmad] W00t, friends in killing!!
[i love david tennant FULL STOP] well im not really sure why i joined, well to explain myself i will write you an essay. well basically, cool as this thing is i didnt really know what i was doing at the time and i never realised that you could do this. when i signed up i had no idea what elfpack was, obviously now i do but im still a bit confused. you could say i joined this page/club/thing for advice?!?! well i dont know what the hell im supposed to say do i ? i am just stunned into a state of shock and i am writing whatever comes into my head. well, nice as this is i think i will stop now or you may kill me.... bye bye xxx no actually i think i will make it just a bit longer, its amazing, you see sometimes my imaginationm takes over and well i may never stop, ever...ever!!!!!! ok ok now i see your going red with anger so ( in my imagination obviously cos i cant actually see you,that would be amazing if i could but i cant im afraid. or so im told by the little man in my brain) ok good bye... actually no, i think i want to write just a little more. just to annoy you hehe soooo what a beautiful day it is today. a little snow on the ground, the sun in the sky and my fingers are really cold!!! so cold it hurts!!! 
[The Hidden Flame] Hi 'Angel' mind if I stick to Will lol! I can't believe people actually like this loser let alone love!!! Lol j/k mate see you. Fire, Fire!!! XD
[shinobi14] Hey, who doesnt love Angel? He is a good person, no matter how strange a person he is, a good person none the less ^___^. Hmmmm... He was there for me when i was upset. THAT counted. I value that a lot. And im totally liking the fact that he doesnt specify what gender he is in his house, too. Very cool. ^___^ You rock, Angel. XD
[Echoes in the moonlight] Heya Will!! ^__^ I think I'll do the same as Chris and stick to Will rather than 'Angel' ^__^ Hey great night the other night should do it more often, and maybe you should get your lazy ass into Science more often, stop abandoning me! It's fun fun fun, honest! ^__^
[The Incredible Bulk] no roooom...erm *tackle hugs everyone here*
[Miss.PYRO™] YOU PROPER ROCK. even if you complain abaout being thin ¬_¬. but you are still UBER COOL and definitely deserve this wiki. *hugs for angel*
[Luna Armonial] Ish my cool random friend Angel *clings & whispers* Ish mine !!!
[Supernova.] MY ANGEL *pockets Angel* miiiiine *pats pocket*
[Asator Stormbringer] Will.., this is my last promise to you, here, so everyone can see it.., I'll make you proud one last time bro, I'm gonna let everyone know what a great guy you where and still are, and I'll let you know, and everyone else, that every person on this page loves you, with every possible fiber of their being.., I know they do cuz you are an angel.
love you bro.
[Twisted Purgatory] Will you're a loser. And a twat. And many other things. And you're not as good as me. Oh and my play dough figures were better than yours in year 3. You know it's true. If you argue I shall eat you. No lie. Well other than that you're an okay guy (maybe...). Well okay you're one of the best mates I have and I love you. Happy now? You'd better be, you know how much it burns to say something nice.
[Maverick.] hey will you're a loser but i love you XD

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2007-10-10 [Twisted Purgatory]: *takes it, coughs* Thanks... *coughs*

2007-10-10 [Luna Armonial]: Should get that looked at you know...

2007-10-10 [Twisted Purgatory]: *shrugs* Don't need it, it passes soon enough

2007-10-10 [Luna Armonial]: *stares towards the moutains & smiles* Hope so...

2007-10-10 [The Incredible Bulk]: sorry about before..*sits down and looks up*

2007-10-10 [Twisted Purgatory]: *coughs again* God dammit...

2007-10-10 [The Incredible Bulk]: ...*gives you orange juice*..worked for me

2007-10-10 [Twisted Purgatory]: *takes it and sips* Thanks

2007-10-10 [The Incredible Bulk]: *smiles lighlty and clsoes my eyes*

2007-10-10 [Twisted Purgatory]: *coughs again* Right that's it I'm ripping my throat out

2007-10-10 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..hmm,..maybe getting something to numb your throat so you cant feel it as much?

2007-10-10 [Twisted Purgatory]: No use... gotta wait for it to pass *coughs*

2007-10-10 [Luna Armonial]: *hands you some cough syrup* Try that...

2007-10-10 [Twisted Purgatory]: *takes some and coughs mid-swallow* URG

2007-10-10 [Luna Armonial]: *thinks for a moment & hands you a spliff* Not sure it'll help though...

2007-10-10 [Twisted Purgatory]: *takes it and throws it away* Not again... not again...

2007-10-10 [Luna Armonial]: *looks up* Sorry...*thinks for a moment & hands you a cup* Don't ask just drink it...

2007-10-10 [Twisted Purgatory]: *drinks it*

2007-10-10 [Luna Armonial]: *smiles* Hope you feel better soon Dave...

2007-10-14 [The Incredible Bulk]: *walks in and sits down leanign against angel's rock

2007-10-14 [Twisted Purgatory]: *punches self in face*

2007-10-14 [The Incredible Bulk]: *looks over*..anything wrong?

2007-10-14 [Twisted Purgatory]: *punches self in face again and rolls around kicking and punching self*

2007-10-14 [The Incredible Bulk]: *throws water over you and pokes your shoulder*

2007-10-14 [Twisted Purgatory]: *kicks and punches self*

2007-10-14 [The Incredible Bulk]: are you okay dear?...*looks slighlty freaked out*

2007-10-14 [Twisted Purgatory]: *sits down* That's better ... feels unnatural that I haven't been jumped in so long ... had to do it myself ...

2007-10-14 [The Incredible Bulk]: ...*Luaghs* fun fun*cracks my neck*

2007-10-14 [Twisted Purgatory]: Oh my lord ... that good for nothing son of a bitch ...

2007-10-14 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..whom art thou on about?

2007-10-14 [Twisted Purgatory]: That crazy son of a bitch Jamie ... God he's gonna get it ...

2007-10-14 [The Incredible Bulk]: erm..who is jamie and why is he gonna get it?

2007-10-14 [Twisted Purgatory]: He's my now ex friend ... and he just took the time to eat MY toast ... that bitch ...

2007-10-14 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..becuase he ate your toast?...

2007-10-14 [Twisted Purgatory]: YES! That is a crime punishable by death where I come from ...

2007-10-14 [The Incredible Bulk]: dog steals my toast everytime i try and have some..>_>..only if it is have a topping on of course..

2007-10-14 [Twisted Purgatory]: I would shoot my dog in the scrotum if it came anywhere near my toast ...

2007-10-14 [The Incredible Bulk]: im protective over orange juice..even more over apples..

2007-10-14 [Twisted Purgatory]: I'm protective over what is legally mine ... I toasted the bread, the bread is now mine

2007-10-14 [The Incredible Bulk]: but who bought the bread?

2007-10-14 [Twisted Purgatory]: Well it was definatly not my mother ...

2007-10-14 [The Incredible Bulk]: mmhmm..there for it is her bread..unless you put a sticker or write your name on the toast/bread

2007-10-14 [Twisted Purgatory]: I did write my name on it. Plain and clear, in marmite 'Dave' ...

2007-10-14 [The Incredible Bulk]: i LOVE marmite..*gets a jar of marmite adn eats it*..miiiine...

2007-10-14 [Twisted Purgatory]: That scrotum will die for that ... I was looking forward to it

2007-10-14 [The Incredible Bulk]: *tosses you some toast*

2007-10-14 [Twisted Purgatory]: This smells like Chris's armpit ...

2007-10-14 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..i dont want to know how,you know what chris's arm pit smells like

2007-10-14 [Twisted Purgatory]: Because the darling has a lovely habit of demonstrating it to us as we sleep.

2007-10-14 [The Incredible Bulk]: how nice..reminds deodrants almost ranout..ill be some tomorow

2007-10-14 [Spoonmad]: You will be deoderant? interesting......

2007-10-14 [Twisted Purgatory]: I'm deoderant ... don't diss it.

2007-10-14 [The Incredible Bulk]: yes..i will morph into deoderant

2007-10-14 [Twisted Purgatory]: *clicks neck* I want my goddamn toast that scrotum ...

2007-10-14 [The Incredible Bulk]: dave..the toast is gone

2007-10-14 [Twisted Purgatory]: I know it is ... He's only just been allowed out ...

2007-10-14 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..what the hell..its been ages

2007-10-14 [Twisted Purgatory]: I know it has ... that is the penalty for eating MY TOAST

2007-10-14 [The Incredible Bulk]: remind me NEVER to eat your toast

2007-10-14 [Lonely Shadow]: wow this is a new one, never heard a conversation about armpits and toast

2007-10-14 [Luna Armonial]: *scrunches nose* I don't want/need to know either...

2007-10-14 [Lonely Shadow]: lol I want to know cause it's a new conversation but don't really need it

2007-10-15 [Twisted Purgatory]: LUNCH BREAK TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-10-15 [Luna Armonial]: O.o Ok...

2007-10-15 [Lonely Shadow]: -nods- so how now brown cow and has anyone seen my ass? I think it ran away about noonish

2007-10-15 [Demon in my View]: yaya

2007-10-17 [Luna Armonial]: *laughs, shakes my head*

2007-10-17 [Empty~Soul]: -pounces on luna-

2007-10-17 [Luna Armonial]: *smiles, catches* Hello Kiki...

2007-10-17 [Glover.]: I like toast...

2007-10-17 [Luna Armonial]: *stands up & walks off*

2007-10-17 [Demon in my View]: *huggles* don't leave!!!!!! >.<

2007-10-18 [Luna Armonial]: *hugs Aerial back* Never completely gone you know...

2007-10-18 [Demon in my View]: ya i know.. still

2007-10-19 [Luna Armonial]: *smiles*

2007-10-19 [phoenixborn]: BOw-chica-wow-wow *sprays lynx everywhere*

2007-10-19 [Vaughne]: DAVID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *tackle hugs*

2007-10-19 [phoenixborn]: *accidentally swallows can of lynx in shock*

2007-10-19 [Vaughne]: *gasp* Oh dear =[ Sorry love!

2007-10-19 [phoenixborn]: ig ogayy

2007-10-19 [Vaughne]: *blinks* David...?

2007-10-19 [phoenixborn]: means "its okay" but with a mounth full of can...

2007-10-19 [Vaughne]: I know *laughs* You okay??

2007-10-19 [phoenixborn]: *has since choked on can* X_X

2007-10-19 [Vaughne]: Don't make me cry again cause I'll do it

2007-10-19 [phoenixborn]: Typical woman, thinks tears solve everything. But you've forgotten one thing- I'm a heartless git :P

2007-10-20 [Luna Armonial]: *looks at David* You so totally know your not a heartless git so can't say you are....*laughs, smiles* It's nice to see you back on ep though David...

2007-10-20 [Vaughne]: David is no heartless git he ish lovelyyy xD

2007-10-20 [phoenixborn]: *points to hole in chest* looky! no heart! ooh what's this? *pokes liver*

2007-10-20 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..*gives you a red pepper*..will that do as a heart?

2007-10-20 [Vaughne]: You have a hearttt xD and it's pretty like you ^-^

2007-10-20 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..the pepper looks nicer than a heart

2007-10-20 [phoenixborn]: *eats pepper* Blargh peppers suck ass -__- well not really. well i mean they might do somewhere. They're weird some of these foreign places you know. Just look at france.

2007-10-20 [Vaughne]: You scare me sometimes, David :)

2007-10-20 [phoenixborn]: Well the french scare me ALL the time. and the belgians. They're just french only less popular

2007-10-20 [Vaughne]: *hides behind a rock*

2007-10-20 [The Incredible Bulk]: peruvians scare me..*hisses*..selling puppies n teh side of the street..little kdis giving sweets to's meant to be strangers wgho give sweets to people

2007-10-20 [Vaughne]: *hides*

2007-10-20 [Luna Armonial]: *laughs, shakes my head* Interesting...

2007-10-20 [The Incredible Bulk]: stranger have the best candy...

2007-10-20 [Luna Armonial]: *shrugs, walks off* Catch up with you all later...

2007-10-20 [Vaughne]: *waves*

2007-10-20 [The Incredible Bulk]: have fun..

2007-10-20 [Vaughne]: *yawns*

2007-10-20 [The Incredible Bulk]: i think i scared him off..

2007-10-20 [Vaughne]: Nah he's just checking his three million messages telling him he's sexy :p

2007-10-20 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..i think the peppers are smexier

2007-10-20 [phoenixborn]: Nope. bit of a shortage of sexy messages at the mo. I have one. It's from you XD

2007-10-20 [Vaughne]: *laughs* Hang on, you'll have lots then

2007-10-20 [The Incredible Bulk]: i still say peppers are shmexier

2007-10-20 [Vaughne]: Hell no, David's sexier xD

2007-10-20 [The Incredible Bulk]: yellow peppers

2007-10-20 [phoenixborn]: I agree *smooches pepper*

2007-10-20 [Vaughne]: Daviddddddddddddd the Ranter xD

2007-10-20 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..*steals pepper and whatches as darkness englufs* pepper..all mine

2007-10-20 [Vaughne]: *licks*

2007-10-20 [phoenixborn]: *sets fire to pepper* you keep it XD

2007-10-20 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..*bites bryony's tongue*

2007-10-20 [Vaughne]: *licks Alice* No biting unless in kinky time =D

2007-10-20 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..but it is kinky time..*brings out handcuffs*

2007-10-20 [The Incredible Bulk]: kinky time will ahve to sleeping at my frinds 2 have fun

2007-10-20 [phoenixborn]: but...but...god dammit this was getting interesting! *storms out*

2007-10-20 [Vaughne]: Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee

2007-10-20 [The Incredible Bulk]: *gives bryony the ahnds cuffs and gropes her boobs*..miiine

2007-10-20 [Vaughne]: Always yours no one else's ;)

2007-10-20 [The Incredible Bulk]: yup..they dont even belong to ben..*shakes head*..miiine

2007-10-20 [Vaughne]: *laughs* Tell him that

2007-10-20 [The Incredible Bulk]: oh..i will..*clicks knuckles*

2007-10-20 [Vaughne]: Tell him the sky is green at the same time- he might believe that more than the other ^-^

2007-10-20 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..the sky is green..jeesh..well your boobs are mine..all mine

2007-10-20 [Vaughne]: Like I said, tell him that :)

2007-10-20 [The Incredible Bulk]: *sits on you and yawns*..estoy muy mal..*pouts and rubs my temples* y me duele la cabezA

2007-10-20 [Vaughne]: You know I don't speak spanish =]

2007-10-20 [The Incredible Bulk]: i'm really bad,and my head hurts

2007-10-20 [Vaughne]: How comeeeeee?

2007-10-20 [The Incredible Bulk]: im cold/warm..and my head achies a lots..*pouts*

2007-10-20 [Vaughne]: *pouts*

2007-10-20 [phoenixborn]: Hablo espanol ^__^ uh... un poco *shrugs*

2007-10-20 [Vaughne]: *cries* I don't know spanish!

2007-10-20 [phoenixborn]: well clearly you knew enough to know it was spanish :P

2007-10-20 [Vaughne]: I'm not that blonde *pouts*

2007-10-20 [The Incredible Bulk]: you speak spanish..well a bit..*sticks tongue out*..

2007-10-20 [phoenixborn]: O.o *grabs tongue with sugar tongs*

2007-10-20 [Vaughne]: MY TONGUE *growls*

2007-10-20 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..*bites bryony's tongue*..mine now

2007-10-20 [Vaughne]: Ouch >.<

2007-10-20 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..mine

2007-10-20 [Vaughne]: Mine now

2007-10-20 [Spoonmad]: We have both been denied it, it seems. :(

2007-10-20 [Vaughne]: It's mine. It's in MY mouth so it is MINE

2007-10-20 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..i own her boobs..i have to go..niiight..

2007-10-20 [Vaughne]: No I own my boobs

2007-10-20 [phoenixborn]: I own everones boobs ^__^ and I have a spoon.

2007-10-20 [Vaughne]: I own MY boobs >.<

2007-10-20 [Spoonmad]: lies.

2007-10-20 [Vaughne]: I doooooooooooooo *hides*

2007-10-21 [Demon in my View]: ha ha ha you don't own mine! i will poke you with a spork XD

2007-10-21 [phoenixborn]: I am Hans Uberveld Sporkeater! Graaarrrgh! *eats spork*

2007-10-21 [Demon in my View]: nuh uh! it's a HUGE spork.. bigger than me XD

2007-10-21 [phoenixborn]: yeah but you're only little anyway so that aint saying much :P

2007-10-21 [Demon in my View]: i am NOT going to say anything :P because my boyfriend knows me way better lol so i won't say anything

2007-10-21 [Asator Stormbringer]: hey!! >.<

2007-10-21 [phoenixborn]: Well you are little! At least you look like it anyway. Though I've known some pretty scary midgets >.> <.<

2007-10-21 [Asator Stormbringer]: you'd better shut up now oke? :P xD

2007-10-21 [phoenixborn]: Nope *shapes head* Remember I am Hans Uberveld Sporkeater today. I fear nothing! except the kitty, obviously.

2007-10-21 [Demon in my View]: hn *hisses at you* i may not exactly be a kitty.. and i ain't small... i will shoot your head off with this damn spork

2007-10-21 [Asator Stormbringer]: well then i'll...i'll...i'll shove it down your ass!...[not talking to you aerial :PxD ]

2007-10-21 [Vaughne]: No hurting David!!

2007-10-21 [Asator Stormbringer]: no hurting aerial..

2007-10-21 [Vaughne]: No hurting anyone =]

2007-10-21 [Asator Stormbringer]: i can agree with that :)

2007-10-21 [Vaughne]: Then we have an agreement =]

2007-10-21 [Demon in my View]: lol good! cause whatever his name is was about to get hurt..

2007-10-21 [Vaughne]: David =[ No hurty

2007-10-21 [Demon in my View]: hn well then he better take back that comment about my being small..

2007-10-21 [Asator Stormbringer]: yeah true...after that...nothing happened :)

2007-10-21 [Vaughne]: No hurting him thoughhh <3

2007-10-21 [Asator Stormbringer]: then he should say stuff about aerial..

2007-10-21 [Demon in my View]: yes please... i honestly am tired of people making remarks and who's to say i won't break next time someone says something

2007-10-21 [Asator Stormbringer]: well they'd better not break you...

2007-10-21 [Demon in my View]: hm who knows.. i'm about to lose it at school seriously.. lol i had a dream i told everyone to shut up and they were all like 0_0...

2007-10-21 [Asator Stormbringer]: .<

2007-10-21 [Demon in my View]: lol ya but... i did kick one dude's ass the other day (i mean literally i kicked his ass)

2007-10-21 [Asator Stormbringer]: good >.<

2007-10-21 [Demon in my View]: he called me a leprachan.. however the hell u spell it

2007-10-21 [Asator Stormbringer]: oh i'll kick his ass another time...

2007-10-21 [phoenixborn]: uh...nothing happened here. This space was reserved for..uh parking. yeah.

2007-10-21 [The Incredible Bulk]: *prods*....*prods again*..cant i hurt him instead of everyone else?

2007-10-21 [phoenixborn]: I don't think I'm anyone. I'm fairly certain I know who I am, i've been me long enough to be sure really. No identity crisis here, nosiree ^__^

2007-10-21 [phoenixborn]: And apple my love, you already bit me and ate my fly, you aint hurtin me aymore today :P

2007-10-21 [Asator Stormbringer]: yeah yeah...whatever...i've crossed the line i sorry...but so did you..she asked you to stop..and you just had to say something ...why did you do that?...

2007-10-21 [The Incredible Bulk]: but..but..*sulks*

2007-10-21 [phoenixborn]: I think it was the "whatever his name is was about to get hurt.." bit. I've always found threats over the internet really funny (especially the "[insert name here] protects this house" things). But okay I confess i pushed once to often I'm sorry. Peace?

2007-10-21 [phoenixborn]: And i don't apologise much, and when I do I only do so when I mean it :P

2007-10-21 [Asator Stormbringer]: thanks a lot man...and im sorry...i really am..but she's really upset about it..and what are you talking about actually?..i mean the first part

2007-10-21 [phoenixborn]: uh which first bit exatly? lol okay 'tis cool. If i'd known how much of a sore subject it was I wouldn't have said anything. I'm normally a good judge of these things too I'm annoyed at myself now :P

2007-10-21 [Luna Armonial]: *walks in, says nothing walking to the edge of a distant cliff*

2007-10-21 [phoenixborn]: *Resists urge to jump on luna*

Ooh I just remembered I made something. If ayone has ever thought the "[insert name here] protects this house, if you hurt them i will hunt you down things" are kinda dumb, then feel free to put this in your house. But make sure ya put myname with it :P .

2007-10-21 [phoenixborn]: oopsies hang on copied the wrong pic XD

2007-10-21 [phoenixborn]: There we go


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